Serving McLean VA Youth Since 1954

Welcome to McLean Youth Track & Field

Welcome to McLean Youth Track & Field

McLean Youth Track and Field (MYTF) provides opportunities for kids in 1st through 8th Grade to develop skills in track, field and cross-country events. Our goal is to help kids develop an appreciation for the sport, gain respect for sportsmanship and have opportunities to push themselves at their own pace. We focus on "in-house/intra-team" events and encourage all of our athletes to strive for personal improvement. 

MYTF is a diverse, inclusive program for all children, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, gender identification, ability (mental or physical), religion, national origin, financial circumstance, or sexual orientation. MYTF athletes compete according to the gender which with they identify, may use physical adaptive equipment not otherwise prohibited by the facility, and may wear (properly secured) garments consistent with their religious observances.  We welcome ALL children and their families, and we cheer for everyone!

General Information


Spring 2025 registration and waitlist is FULL as of 11:30am on February 1st. Please check back in the Spring for information on our Fall Registration



T-Shirt Sponsorship

We are still looking for 2 T-shirt sponsors to help keep program costs low. T-shirt sponsorship includes a registration spot. We do need to get all the logos set by early February so the shirts are ready for the start of the season. If you are interested in sponsoring, please send an email to



Registration will open at approximately 9:00 am on Saturday, February 1st.

As a general rule, MYTF does not accept late registrations or keep the waitlist open after we reach capacity. We are capped at 400. Based on prior seasons, we do anticipate reaching that maximum during the first day of registration.
Registration Process:

  • Once Registration is live, you will see a “Register NOW” button in the top right corner of this web page. Please note if you are registering from a phone the register now button will most likely appear at the bottom of the page.
  • We have a new registration system as of the Spring 2024 season. If you have not registered for track since 2023 or other MYA teams that use the same system, you will be required to create an account. 
  • If you do not already have an account, it only takes a minute to create one. Unfortunately, you cannot create an account UNTIL registration goes live.
  • Please register ALL siblings who intend to participate in MYTF. Only registered, rostered athletes are allowed on the Track and/or Field during the season, for both practices and meets. We cannot make accommodations to add siblings after registration is full or closed.
  • Registration fees are paid online by credit card.
  • Each season we offer 5 t-shirt sponsors for $500. If your company is interested in sponsoring, you can select to be a sponsor during the registration process. As soon as registration closes, we will be in touch to obtain your logo as we need to get the t-shirts printed before the season starts.
  • After you register your child and before you pay, there will be a screen about volunteering. If you are able to volunteer as a practice coach (no experience required), please check the box and complete the coach's registration on the next screen. New this year we added some new volunteer areas surrounding meets. If you are interested in volunteering for a specific activity at meets, please select the option there. After registration closes, we will be in touch about training and schedules. 

Registration Policies:

  • Registration is open to children in 1st grade through 8th grade for the 2024-25 school year. 
  • Registration fees for Fairfax County residents are $75 for the first child and $60 for each sibling. Fees for non-Fairfax County residents are $125 and $110; the county charges us an additional $50 for each non-Fairfax County participant. Please make sure you select non-Fairfax county if you do no reside in the county. We have to provide the roster to the county and they charge us even if you did not pay us. If your child attends public school but not a Fairfax County Public School (i.e Arlington, Washington DC, Alexandria City, Fall Church City, etc.), then you are not a Fairfax county resident.
  • There is a processing fee charged directly by the provider. All charges are subject to a $1.50 fee plus 2.99% (MC/Visa) or 3.6% (AMEX) of the transaction total.
  • If we do fill all spaces prior to the close of registration and you are waitlisted, you do not have to pay registration fees unless you are taken off the waitlist and moved to a rostered position. Once you are notified that you have been moved from the waitlist to the roster, you will have 48 hours to pay the registration fees.
  • Refund requests MUST be made prior to February 28th by sending an email to A $10 processing fee will be deducted from all refunds. You may withdraw your child(ren) from MYTF at any point during the season, but registration fees less the processing fee will only be refunded through February 28th.



Any questions, please email