Serving McLean VA Youth Since 1954

Spring 2025 Details

Spring 2025 Details

This fall we will run our rec league program as we have in previous years.  This program is intended for beginning to intermediate players, in grades 3 - 8 (9th graders not playing on their high school team are also welcome to join).

Practice details:  Practices will be held at Meridian High School (upper field) on Sunday afternoons.  Practice times are tentatively scheduled as:  

  • Grades 3&4 -- 2:00 - 2:45 pm
  • Grades 5&6 -- 2:45 - 3:45 pm
  • Grades 7&8 -- 3:45 - 5:00 pm

Practices will be begin in late August and go through the month of October.

Game details:  The game schedules are still being worked on by the Herndon-Reston youth field hockey program.  Games will be Saturday mornings through afternoon (typically earlier for the younger kids, later for the older kids) and most games will likely be played at Herndon High School or Nike Park in Great Falls.  Games are currently scheduled to begin on Saturday, Sept 7 and end on October 26 (no games planned for Columbus Day weekend).

Registration:  We are planning to have registration ready the first week of August (we are targeting the evening of 8/6).  Please keep an eye on emails and this web site for links to registration when it opens.

Coaches needed:   All coaches for our teams are parents/adults.  While we have a few regular coaches, we always need help.  We are in need of parent coaches (no experience in field hockey necessary) to assist current/former player coaches who may not be able to make some Saturday games.  We will be limited in the number of players that can register if we do not have more parents assistant coaching, so please consider volunteering (the time commitment is pretty small for assistant coaches).  And of course, anyone interested in head coaching is always welcome.   

Please email Sunjeet Randhawa at if you are interested in coaching.  


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To volunteer or learn more about MYA, please email:
Steve Trembler, MYA President

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